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(Free White Paper) Go Beyond Simple GPS Tracking with School Bus Operation Management Ebook

For district leaders, student safety and cost-efficiency are paramount during daily pupil transport. However, if a district only has telematics for school bus GPS tracking, they’re missing deeper insights that can help them better protect their students and drivers, reduce expenses and take better care of their buses.

Download this “Beyond Dots on a Map” ebook to discover how to take your school bus operation management strategies farther than just GPS tracking can. This ebook will teach you how a school bus fleet management platform can help you:

  • Monitor driver behaviors like speeding, harsh braking, accelerations and more to coach against hazardous driving.
  • Save time and increase accuracy with digital inspection logs.
  • Administer more timely maintenance to your buses.
  • Pursue sustainability initiatives like electric buses and reduce CO2 emissions.

Get your copy of this ebook now to begin transforming the efficiency and safety of your student transportation operations.

Simply fill out the form below to receive the ebook in your inbox!


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