March 2013

    Inspections are just one of the processes necessary to make school buses the safest vehicles on the road. At the heart of every great maintenance organization are policies and procedures, which are necessary for consistent air-brake checks, for example, or other checklists. The existence of these processes and policies can be the difference between corrective maintenance and proactive or even reliability-centered maintenance.


    Straight From the Shop
    STN readers report via survey on such topics as how techs are trained, how they define their own maintenance programs and if they track cost per mile

    Putting on the Brakes
    Processes for air-brake maintenance and safety come in different shapes and sizes

    Creating Cost Savings
    Fleet experts sound off on how fuel, oil and tire management can add to an operation’s bottom line


    Remembering slain Alabama bus driver Chuck Poland, Jr.


    School districts cope with lengthened bus-replacement schedules

    Is the industry ready for reliability-centered maintenance programs?

    Safety in the garage increases efficiency, drives down liability costs

    How one Utah school district benefited from EPA rebate program

    Alabama bill strengthens penalties for school bus trespassing

    Arizona district first in state to purchase, train on hybrid bus

    News briefs


    Renewed debate on NHTSA FMVSS 222, gross vehicle weight rating for Type A buses


    Robert T. Pudlewski
    Why Have Maintenance Policy and Procedures?

    Kim A. Mahanna, CPA
    IRS ‘Repair Regulations’ Could tax Old Bus Euipment, Facilities for Business Owners


    First Take by Ryan Gray
    The Mental Health of the Industry

    Publisher’s Corner by Tony Corpin
    Buying Online



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