As February comes to an end, School Transportation News reflects on how school bus drivers were celebrated nationwide. The following are images sent in from school bus drivers, transportation directors and company representatives on how they celebrated Love the Bus month, held by the American School Bus Council.
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School bus driver Matt Jackson from Sharp Bus Lines in Niagara, Ontario extended his love for the bus to one of his favorite hobbies - woodworking. Oksana Chernichenko, communications coordinator for Sharp Bus Lines said it takes over 20 hours for Jackson to create one bus.

Jo Allen, transportation director for Iosco RESA, a special education school in Michigan, said student colored Love the Bus artwork and was printed on placed on transportation's door. “I then printed the certificate off the website and put the drivers name on it along with a bag of Valentine treats and put them in the drivers mailboxes,” Allen said.

Fran Marziano of West Berlin Bus Service, a small family-owned company that transport special needs and behavioral children in New Jersey's Camden Gloucester and Burlington counties, said her husband and son own the company while she serves as the administrative coordinator. “We have an amazing group of drivers and aides and we take pride in what we do,” she said. “Before the pandemic we had close to 90 employees, we [now] have 53.” Marziano added that she has started baking for them every Monday, as it helps to keep the moral and culture going after the weekend. “Every year for Valentine's Day we give the Women a long stem rose and the Men candy,” she added. “We love them and hope they continue to love their job here at WBBS!”

Catherine Manely with Fort Bend Independent School District in Texas sent in this selfie with, “Happy Valentine's Day!!! Sending much Love your way!!!”

Kimberly Dukes, transportation director at Muhlenberg County Schools in Kentucky, said her department had a drawing among transportation staff with several lucky winners to show appreciation during the month.

Mrs. Richards of Route 295 at Pearland Independent School District in Texas decorated her bus over the years with cards, newspaper articles, family pictures, poems, and coloring pages.

Gary Sibert of Bus 7 at Winchester City Public Schools in Virginia poses with student colored artwork.

Bus drivers, bus monitor's and mechanics at Corinth Central School District in Corinth New York celebrated Love the Bus month in several different ways: a coloring contest, a breakfast and a raffle.
“All month long our driver's talked about bus safety and had a student coloring contest,” Transportation Supervisor Melodie Monica said. “The driver with the most returned coloring sheets won a t-shirt that says, ‘I'm not crazy because I'm a School Bus Driver, I'm crazy because I Love My Job.’ The winner with 31 student entries was Denise McGuire! Denise then treated her students to a coupon for a slice of pizza and soda.”

On Feb. 14, the employees at Corinth Central School District in New York, were treated to a "Love the Bus" breakfast, which included pancakes, omelets, homefries, muffins and more. The breakfast featured the district superintendent and administration staff. “t has truly been an uplifting and inspiring month,” Transportation Supervisor Melodie Monica said.