July 2011

    COVER STORY: This annual edition dedicated to previewing the STN EXPO has also evolved into a look at the “greening” of the industry. A case in point is Houston ISD, which is not only utilizing alternative fuels but additional maintenance programs and operational enhancements to reduce the district’s carbon footprint. And with a stream of new vehicle options, such as the next-generation Blue Bird Propane-Powered Vision (pictured), school bus operators must be adept at identifying alt-fuel incentives. And how are rising diesel prices a part of this conversation?

    Fuel Costs: To Lock Down or Not is the Dilemma, and Gamble

    School Bus Drivers, ESL Students Roll Over the Language Barrier

    A Fuel-Saving, Carbon-Footprint-Reducing Option?

    DERA Survives in 2012 But Without New Funding

    News in Review: A Look Back Provides a Glimpse at What Might Be in Story

    Companies on the Move

    If the Puzzle Piece Fits…

    This year’s STN EXPO is ‘Putting the Pieces Together’ for attendees with inspiring keynotes, exciting events and informative topics covering the industry’s hottest topics

    Driven to Change
    Incentive plans for alternative-fuel buses gets high-octane ratings

    Districts Lining Up to Reduce Idling, Save Fuel
    Districts are looking to keep costs down by ensuring that their fleets are saving fuel and the environment by reducing idling times

    School Bus Diesel Versus School Bus CNG
    Breaking down the operational considerations to assist decision making for fleets

    ‘Houston, We’re Going Green’
    Seventh largest school district in the nation embraces environmentally-sound practices with alt fuels, GPS and shop innovations

    For Consideration of Natural Gas School Buses
    By Richard Kolodziej

    Safe, Sustainable Student Transportation: Propane-Powered School Buses
    By Brian Feehan

    State-by-State Variation in Crossing Procedures, Part 2
    By Ned Einstein

    First Take by Ryan Gray

    Positive Thinking is Not Enough, But it’s a Start…

    Editorial Desk by Stephane Babcock
    It’s All in How You See It

    Read more in our digital edition …