Zonar Systems and the National School Transportation Association (NSTA) announced the latest winners of the Don Carnahan Memorial Grant, bus contractors Sunrise Transportation and Minnesota Coaches.
Bob Hach, CEO of Sunrise TransportationThe two recipients receive up to $50,000 for the latest bus safety, security and efficiency technology hardware. Winners, who function as current NSTA members, were selected based on proposed plans with expected ROI for using Zonar’s Fleet Management Solutions.
“The grant better affords our member contractors access to valuable tools to improve operations and keep them at the forefront of the industry’s best practices,” said Todd Monteferrario, president of NSTA.
The winning bus contractors are provided with fleet management technology solutions that include real-time tracking and monitoring, such as the Zonar 2010 handheld or 2020 tablet that incorporate electronic verified inspection reporting, global position system, real time engine diagnostic reporting, student tracking and ground traffic control web-based software.
“We are thrilled to provide Sunrise Transportation and Minnesota Coaches with technology solutions to help increase the safety of their vehicles and provide real-time information fleet management, driver operating behavior and student ridership,” said H. Kevin Mest, senior vice president of business development at Zonar Systems.
The award — previously called the Zonar/NSTA Grant — was renamed in recognition of Don Carnahan, who dedicated 45 years to the education and pupil transportation industry.
He served as a company leader for Zonar for 11 years and a two-term president of the National Association of Pupil Transportation.