This month’s issue features articles on school bus technology and how it plays a role amid the new coronavirus pandemic.
Read the full September issue.
Cover Story
Ready to Launch
The South Carolina Department of Education and Tyler Technologies are demonstrating the power and reporting capabilities of routing, GPS, student tracking integration with a new statewide program now underway.
Knowing the Right Questions to Ask
Alternative transportation partners can provide a valuable solution to school district challenges presented by COVID-19. However, continuous communication and making sure these companies adhere to safety standards remain paramount.
Giving Bus Drivers a Brake
Advanced driver assistance systems that help avoid collisions are not only becoming prevalent in new passenger vehicles, but also school buses.
Longing for a Connection
School bus Wi-Fi could play a role in addressing educational inequalities exacerbated by a lack of internet access in some homes. Still, school districts are slow to adopt.
Special Reports
KPI’s Serve New Purpose During Ongoing Pandemic
Key performance indicators, which have historically been used to evaluate operational efficiencies and note where improvement is needed, can now help transportation directors track data pints made even more relevant by COVID-19.
A New Use for Student Tracking
Technology solutions are adapting to serve the new purpose of contract tracing students and drivers, in the event one of them tests positive for COVID-19 after the school bus ride.
Ad Index
Product Info
Editor’s Take by Ryan Gray
Winning the Race of Technology Strategy
Publisher’s Corner by Tony Corpin
Forced Innovation, Accessibility & Virtual Conferences