Few people ever see a school bus actually fly into the air and crash onto a concrete road, traveling on just two rubber wheels and then skidding forward on its metal side to a screeching stop. But on June 7 at the inaugural STN EXPO Indianapolis, that’s exactly what happened at the IMMI Center for Advanced Product Evaluation (CAPE) test facility.

In a slow-motion array (below) of color action photos, you can see for yourself what a dramatic, violent crash looks like, up close and personal.
Pieces of debris and shards of glass exploded into the air when a school bus literally flew off of a steel ramp, smashed down onto hard concrete and slid to a grinding stop against a crash barrier.
The unique live demonstration was hosted by SafeGuard/IMMI on June 7, just outside of Indianapolis. NBC News taped the demonstration and plans to air it later this year. (Photos by David George.)
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