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Celebrate Accomplishments When Transporting Students with Disabilities

I was inspired by the reaction of attendees at the recent TSD Conference to the concept of celebrating student success during transportation. When this idea was presented in November in Frisco, Texas, where I moderated two panel discussions, it seemed like
virtually everyone was writing it down. Not that celebrating is such a novel idea, but the fact it was being noted by so many attendees, to remember when they got back to work, meant this idea merits at the least more discussion. I decided to flesh it out a little and hopefully show more people why we should be doing it.

We all know transportation is an essential service for many students with special needs. We also know that we should be taking every opportunity to educate students. We certainly want to teach students how to wait for the school bus. We also want to teach them how to enter and exit the school bus, and, perhaps most importantly, how to ride the school bus. Doing all of these by the age of 18 or 22 is a priority, to meet the call of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

These skills need to be passed on to all students at every opportunity. It is essential that these competences are taught and reinforced often.

We will not succeed in every case, but if we start early enough and stick with it, most students will achieve some success, and more than a few will master skills. Students show safer behavior as they become educated. We should celebrate all of them. They are all successes and so are we for our role in their development.

Here’s where the value of celebrating starts to multiply. Shouldn’t the teachers and aides in the classroom celebrate the students’ successes? Yes, because they are responsible for similar advances. They probably have taught the students those same skills in a different setting. They may not have taught the student to show the driver the bus pass, but they could have taught them how to present their student ID to the librarian. They might not
have shown the student how to stand in line waiting to get on the bus, but they probably showed the student how to wait in line to come into the classroom from recess.

Parents also need to take the time to celebrate their student’s success. Most of their communication with the school site is negative. “I only hear from the office when there is a behavioral problem involving my student,” is a complaint we often hear. That alone justifies inviting them to celebrate. But there are so many more reasons.

Here are a few:
• They can see the students demonstrate their progress. We can take the parent and student out to the bus, so the student can demonstrate what they have learned.
• We can also use the opportunity to answer other questions that the parent(s) might have.
• They can see what we’re going to teach next and prepare their students.
• They can come to understand that they are not alone, that struggles they’ve had are shared by others.
• They might be able to gain the confidence that, just maybe, their children will be able to safely ride the public bus when they progress into the world without our care.

The principal, special education staff, and other site employees also need to share in the success. They all played a role in the success. Why not celebrate? The final group that must be invited consists of school bus drivers and transportation staff. How often do we
celebrate them for what they do? We owe them this celebration. In particular, we should be praising our drivers and aides for their ability to educate. That is, the drivers and aides actually teach skills that children will use for life. The drivers do all this for every student without asking much from us. If you can, pay them the extra hour or two the celebration requires, and celebrate them as educators.

These celebrations don’t have to take long, but they are essential. Invite the special education staff, the site staff, district administrators, and others. Maybe food services
can chip in some nutritious snacks (at a huge discount we hope.) You might be surprised at who shows up and just how much they appreciate it. We’re celebrating students’ success but we’re also celebrating everyone’s role in the students’ achievements. What could be better?

Editor’s Note: As reprinted in the January 2025 issue of School Transportation News.

Pete Meslin is a TSD Conference advisor and a retired director of transportation for Newport-Mesa Unified School District in California. He authored the “Bus in the Classroom” program to teach students with disabilities how to safely prepare for and ride school buses.

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