High school students in Washington state had plenty to talk about over winter break after they stopped their runaway school bus.
The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department stated that on Dec. 12 at approximately 7:55 a.m., a school bus driver was transporting students from both Franklin Pierce High School and Washington High School in Washington state. The driver, whose identity was not revealed, suffered a medical emergency.
The driver managed to say, “Somebody call for help,” before starting to lose consciousness. Two students called 911, while a third student left his seat and grabbed the steering wheel, pulling the emergency brake to bring the bus to a halt safely.
A fourth student used the bus radio system to contact dispatch while a fifth student held the driver’s head. The driver was transported to the hospital and is currently doing well.
The students who helped the driver were nominated and honored at an assembly for their brave actions.

Related: Iowa Students Help School Bus Driver During Medical Episode
Related: Students Park Bus after Driver Suffers Medical Emergency in Canada
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